About Me
![This is Rexburg temple that I took on the first day in Rexburg.](https://cdn.glitch.com/d36002d0-1da0-45b1-a02d-fb816b8c188c%2FIMG_0725%202.jpg?v=1587824636111)
Hello, you guys! Let me introduce myself. My name is "Surim" from South Korea. This is my second eemster at BYU-I and still getting used to it. My major is Software Engineering and since this is my first-time taking several major courses at one semester, I'm quite nervous of going through future experience and assignments at this moment!
Since the unprecedented situation going on right now, I'm currently out of the States and stay in Korea. Even though it's really hard to participate in the course at midninght because of the time difference, I'm still looking forward to participating as one of members of this course!
I really enjoy watching movies and reading novels for fun. When I arrived in Korea, I ahd to do self-quarantine for two weeks involving reporting my helath condition two times a day with a specific application offered by the government. Some people might dont' like it while when I heard I had to do it, I thought finally my time has arrived! Self- quarantine will be ended tomorrow, which means I haven't been out of my home for more than about 10 days, but I litterally enjoyed the past days as reading books and watching several movies. I hope you guys stay healthy and safe!